Interface of MS Word

IDE of MS Word

IDE( Integrated Development Environment) of MS Word:

            In this Environment having different options to discuss first because to know about on this options.

1) Title bar:

In this Environment we have to discuss the Title bar that what is Title bar?

  1. It is the top most part of the MS Word Program.
  2. The combination of File Name and Program Name is called Title Bar.
  3. File Name: It will be changed the name about required document. i-e Document-1 is the File name as show in a Figure-1.
  4. Program Name: It will not be changed the Name because it is a default name of Program. Word is the Program Name as shown in the Figure-1.


2) Caption Button/ Window Control:

              In this Environment we have to discuss the Caption Button.

  1. It is the right part and top most part of the MS Word Program.
  2. It will have three main buttons to control the Program.







This button to hide the program and send it to Task Bar.




This button to show the program from Task Bar.



Restore Down

To exit full screen of the program


Undo Restore


To resume full screen of the program




Close the Program


3) Quick Access Toolbar:
                That bar through which we access the tool very quickly/run. It is also known as QAT. By default have two command . Undo & Redo
                                        i-e open, save, undo, redo, email etc
4) File menu: It is the main Menu of this Program. To control all the functions though this Menu. Shortcut for open the menu is Alt+F. We can click on File Menu then appear the Drop down List 
5) Menu bar/Tab bar: It will show the menu list in a bar called Menu bar.
Each and every menu is to be divided into groups.Each and every group is to be divided into commands. 

To control all the functions though this Menu. Shortcut for open the menu is Alt+F.

 6) Ruler:

 This option is to show margin area and  length of the page. It s used for measurement of the Page i-e height and is in Horizontal and Vertical.

 7) Scroll bar:

 This option is to used for movement of the page. Up/down and Left/Right. It is also in Horizontal and Vertical.

 8) Status bar:

 This option is to show No, of word, section, pages and also Layouts and Zooming. It is at the Bottom of the Document/ Program.

9) Working Area:

 This area is used for need a task i-e to design the chart, to write application etc. It is a text area. 

For more info Click Here.  
