Define Network? Discuss types of Computer Network

Define Network? Discuss types of Computer Network


A network is a group of two or more nodes linked together through by some Tele-Communication Media to share a data from one place to another. 


  1. Computer Network is a group of two or more Computers linked together through by some Tele-Communication Media to share a data from one place to another. 
  2. The common resource today for shared a connection to the Internet.


We can say that "the connection between two or more than two computers with each other through by some Tele-Communication Media to share data from one computer to other."

Types of Computer Network:-

1) LAN:
  • Stand for Local Area Network.
  • To connect two or more computer with each other by some tele-communication media to share data from one computer to other.
  • It is a special purpose network.
  • Called as Internal Network (Intranet).
  • Ethernet is known as common device of LAN Technology.
  • By this Network it is the Small Area to Create a Network.
  • Limited Number of devices to connect it such as Computer, Scanner, Communication Devices etc.
  • Limited Area about 1 KM (KiloMeter).
  • It is used in Offices, Home, Banking, Franchise, mean that work on Building or Room.
2) MAN:
  • Stand for Metropolitan Area Network or Medium Area Network.
  • It is to Define as "To connect two or more LANs with eachother".
  • It is a Special Purpose Network.
  • Exceed 1 Kil0Meter area for this Network.
  • It is used in Cities, District etc
3) WAN:
  • Stand for Wide Area Network.
  • It is a Large size network.
  • Which is used in everywhere in every field of life.
  • Called as Geographical Area Network.
  • or We can say that " the Connection of two or more than two MANs with eachother to share the data"
  • It is used in all over the world.
4) PAN:
  • Stand for Personal Area Network.
  • for our own purpose Network.
  • It can be wired or wireless.
  • it is to connect electronic devices within a Person's Workspace.
  • It is typically used to connect devices such as computer,tablets, printers, scanners, smartphones etc.
