The Ultimate IF Function Tutorial: Level Up Your Excel Game
The IF function in Excel is one of the most powerful and widely used functions for logical operations. Whether you're calculating grades, applying conditional formatting, or automating decision-making, mastering the IF function can significantly boost your Excel skills.
In this tutorial, we'll cover:
- Basic IF Function
- Nested IF Statements
- IF with AND & OR
- IFERROR & IFS Functions
- Advanced Examples
1. Basic IF Function
The IF function follows this syntax:
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
You have a list of students with their scores. You want to mark those who scored 50 or above as "Pass" and others as "Fail".
Name Score Result
Ali 45 Fail
Sara 80 Pass
John 50 Pass
=IF(J2>=50, "Pass", "Fail")
If J2 is 50 or more, it returns to the "Pass"; otherwise, it returns to the "Fail".
2. Nested IF Statements
A nested IF function allows you to evaluate multiple conditions.
Example: Assign letter grades based on scores:
90 and above → A
80-89 → B
70-79 → C
60-69 → D
Below 60 → F
=IF(J2>=90, "A", IF(J2>=80, "B", IF(J2>=70, "C", IF(J2>=60, "D",IF(J2>=50,"E",IF(J2>=40, "F","poor result"))))))
This formula checks conditions in sequence, assigning the correct grade.
3. IF with AND & OR Functions
Using AND inside IF
If you need multiple conditions to be TRUE at the same time, use AND.
A student passes only if they score 50 or above in both Math and English.
=IF(AND(J2>=50, K2>=50), "Pass", "Fail")
Using OR inside IF
If you need at least one condition to be TRUE, use OR.
A student qualifies for a scholarship if they have above 90 in either Math OR English.
=IF(OR(J2>90, K2>90), "Qualified", "Not Qualified")
4. IFERROR & IFS Functions
IFERROR: Handle Errors Gracefully
The IFERROR function helps to replace error messages with a custom value.
=IFERROR(I1/J1, "Error: Division by zero")
If J1 is 0, instead of an error, it returns "Error: Division by zero".
IFS: Simplifying Multiple IFs
Instead of Nested IFs, use IFS for better readability.
=IFS(J2>=90, "A", J2>=80, "B", J2>=70, "C", J2>=60, "D", J2<60, "F")
It works like a cleaner version of nested IFs.
5. Advanced Examples
Example 1: Bonus Calculation
Give a 10% bonus if the sales are above $10,000, else no bonus.
=IF(J2>10000, J2*0.1, 0)
Example 2: Employee Overtime Pay
If an employee works more than 40 hours, calculate overtime pay at 1.5x hourly rate.
=IF(J2>40, (J2-40)*K2*1.5, 0)
Tip: Practice with real-world data to master it faster!
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