ICT(Information & Communication Technology)

DIT 1st Semester Revised 2022 Course Outline 

Introduction to Information & Communication 

Technology (ICT)   

 (PAPER- 1)

Total Th Hrs    40                                                        Total Pr Hrs     40

Total Th Mks  75                                                         Total Pr. Mks   25

 Course Description: This course is designed for students with little or no computer experience. This course introduces computer concepts, hardware components, basic computer operations and use of software applications to solve problems. Students will have complete understanding of the basic concepts and use of personal computers and application software. 

Aims and Objectives: After successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 

  • Develop a vocabulary of key terms related to computers and software programs 
  • Identify the components of a personal computer system 
  • Demonstrate mouse and keyboard functions 
  • Demonstrate window and menu commands and how they are used 
  • Demonstrate how to organize files and documents on a USB/hard drive 
  • Demonstrate basic maintenance of a computer 
  • end email messages and navigate and search through the internet.
Module 1:   

  Allotted weeks:03                                                    Contact Hours 18
Module 2:   

       Allotted weeks:03                                                    Contact Hours 18

Module 3:   

Introduction to Computer
Allotted weeks:03                                                            Contact Hours 18
